Frequently asked questions
An appealing and healthy smile adds to well-being, self-confidence and the capability to express the best emotions sincerely. We pursue this goal on a daily basis through science-based methods. Don’t hesitate – take advantage of the exclusive benefits of Dantų Estetika today!
Why should You trust Dantų Estetika with Your smile?
Excellent physical and psychological well-being of the patient are the main goals of our team. We take care of all aspects of services that together constitute the highest standard of reliability and individualiation. We also invite You to experience the following advantages of the clinic Dantų Estetika:
The highest standards are maintained on a daily basis
We don’t make compromises in our pursuit of best results. Dantų Estetika was founded by experienced dentists, and Your dental health is cared for by a highly qualified team. According to freely submitted surveys, none of our patients return to previously visited clinics after they come to Dantų Estetika.
Focus on exceptional comfort
Trust is a prerequisite for a good result. Every procedure, even the best, is taken care of by experienced, attentive specialists, for whom Your well-being is a priority. Discomforting services are performed under effective local anesthesia. If necessary, breaks are taken, other conditions are created for a stress-free dental care experience.
Flexible pricing
From dental hygiene to the restoration of Your smile - we try to make every service as affordable as possible. Thus, during the very first visit You can talk over the course, duration of the treatment and postpone the time-insensitive procedures to when it is comfortable for You. Dental hygiene or prosthesis payed for in installments is another financially comfortable option.
Specialized research alongside the production of implants and prostheses are performed in the clinic’s own on-site laboratory, so You can save both time and money. This center employs a cohesive team of experienced professionals who take care of all the technicalities needed for You to smile with confidence. Continuous investment in state-of-the-art equipment, rapid adoption of global innovations, efficiency, exceptional demand for quality, a wide range of services are what ensure the impeccable quality of the end-result.
What dental services does the clinic offer?
The clinic provides the following dental services:
- dental implantation;
- dental prosthetics;
- soft tissue grafting;
- oral and dental surgery;
- therapeutic dental treatment;
- endodontic (root canal) treatment;
- aesthetic filling;
- aesthetic micro-prosthetics;
- periodontal treatment;
- dental hygiene;
- teeth whitening;
- radiological examinations (X-rays);
- dental treatment of children.
Are there guarantees for the performed works?
The work performed by our specialists comes with guarantees:
- For aesthetic filling, therapeutic treatment - 6 months;
- For dental prosthetics - 3 years;
- For dental implantation and the implants themselves - 3 months. and a lifetime *.
* Dental implants is firstly granted a 3 month warranty. It is extended if the patient is taking thorough and regular care of his mouth hygiene. After the follow-up examination, the procedure itself and the implant are granted a lifetime warranty.
If good mouth hygiene is observed, but the implant does not attach to bone matter properly, it is replaced free of charge.
In case of any doubts regarding proper mouth hygiene, care for prostheses, we are ready to provide detailed consultations and additional information.
How can I pay for dental services at the clinic?
You can pay for the services in the following ways:
- in cash;
- payment cards;
- Bank transfer;
- loyal patients in the clinic can pay in installments without price increasing;
in installments (SB leasing).
Do You cooperate with the State Health Insurance Fund?
Yes, we do. The state health insurance fund can reimburse dental prosthesis services.
Do You write certificates for pre-school or school institutions?
Yes, we perform an oral health examination of children and issue a certificate requested by educational institutions.
Can I pre-register for a full course of treatment in case I live abroad?
Are You coming from another city or country to take care of a healthy smile? Dantų Estetika’s team is ready to help You save time and ensure complete comfort during Your stay.
Can I pre-register for a full course of treatment in case I live abroad?
Are You coming from another city or country to take care of a healthy smile? Dantų Estetika’s team is ready to help You save time and ensure complete comfort during Your stay.
The provision of dental prosthesis, implantation or other selected service can be divided into 4 stages. According to these, You can schedule preliminary dates of visits to the clinic:
- Registration
Select a convenient time for Your first visit to Dantų Estetika and register with a dentist, implantologist or other oral health specialist. He will carefully assess the condition of Your teeth and jaw and advise on what to do next. For Your convenience, consultations can be in either Lithuanian, English or Russian.
Important: A ready X-ray of the jaw may be needed during the first visit. Contact us - we will be happy to take care of the photo in Your city or country.
- Creating a treatment plan
After the first visit, a detailed treatment plan based on health status and expectations is proposed.
Po pirmojo vizito pasiūlomas tikslus gydymo planas, pagrįstas sveikatos būkle ir lūkesčiais. Specialistai mielai atsakys į klausimus, susijusius su konkrečia gydymo eiga, etapais, priemonėmis ir numatomais rezultatais.
III. Paruošiamųjų ir pagrindinių gydymo darbų atlikimas
Preliminari etapo trukmė: maždaug 3–5 dienos.
Šio etapo metu atliekamos chirurginės procedūros. Priklausomai nuo būklės, gali prireikti šalinti nesveikus dantis, sutvirtinti žandikaulio struktūrą, įsriegti reikiamą kiekį implantų ir pagaminti, pritvirtinti laikinąjį protezą.
After the first visit, an accurate treatment plan based on health status and expectations is proposed. Specialists will be happy to answer questions about the specific course of treatment, stages, measures, and expected outcomes.
- 3. Doing preparatory and basic treatment works
Preliminary duration of the phase: 3-5 days.
Surgical procedures are performed during this stage. Depending on the condition, it may be necessary to remove unhealthy teeth, strengthen the jaw structure, place the required number of implants, manufacture and attach a temporary prosthesis.
- Implementation of final treatment goals
Preliminary duration of the phase: from a few days to 2 weeks.
Visits of this phase are booked several months after the initial treatment, depending on goals set and the clinical situation. These visits to designated specialists are when prosthetic procedures are performed. Dentures are usually produced during this period. Completing all the work may require a couple of visits, so we recommend staying in the country for the duration.
Can't find the answer to Your question?
Write us an e-mail [email protected] or call the reception by phone no. +370 600 25559. We will be happy to answer any questions You may have.