Dental prosthetics

In just 1 day! The patient had her 7 periodontitis-damaged teeth successfully removed from the lower jaw, 5 implants placed and a temporary denture of all 12 lower jaw teeth fixed onto them. Once the implants are attached to the bone (in 4 to 6 months) a permanent zirconium ceramic denture will be produced. This photo was taken two days after the operation. The upper dental arch is patient’s old removable plate.

Layered zirconia ceramics – the condition of the patient’s teeth before and after the procedure.

Full reconstruction of the mouth with dental implants and fixed prostheses. The patient had previously had removable plates. We placed 5 implants in the upper jaw and 4 implants in the lower jaw. After precise planning of the treatment, temporary fixed prostheses for all teeth were made for both jaws immediately after implantation. Once the implants are attached to the bone, after 4-6 months, the temporary dentures will be replaced with permanent zirconium ceramic dentures. Now the patient is smiling with confidence!

A natural-looking smile is created by prosthetic teeth with a zirconium ceramic crown.

Restored smile and chewing function, all dental zirconia ceramic prosthesis on 4 implants.

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Restoration of aesthetic appeal of a smile and chewing function with metal-free ceramic veneers and zirconium ceramic crowns.

Karolis Čepulkauskas

Dental technician, chief laboratory officer