Lukas Poškevičius
Oral surgeon
License no.:
Oral surgeon
- Doctoral studies in the field of dentistry 2018 – now
- Oral Surgery – Resident surgeon (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences) 2015 – 2018
- Dentistry – Master’s degree (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences) 2010 – 2015
- Secondary education (Garliava Secondary School) 1998 – 2010
- Since 2021 10
- 2017.09 – 2018.01 Internship at the University of Granada, Department of Oral Surgery and Dental Implantology (Spain)
- 2014.07 – 2014.08 Internship at Comenius University, St. Elizabeth Hospital, Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery, Bratislava (Slovakia)
- Member of the Lithuanian Chamber of Dentists
- Member of the Lithuanian Society of Facial and Maxillofacial Surgeons
- Member of the European Association for Osseointegration (EAO)
- Member of the European Association of Dental Implantologists
- Member of the Board of the Baltic Academy of Osteointegration (BOA)
- “What’s new in the etiology, pathogenesis, and diagnosis of peri-implantitis?” Conference of the Lithuanian Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons “Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Their Prevention and Solutions”; Kaunas, Lithuania, November 9, 2018
- “Critical factors influencing the occurrence of peri-implantitis” Baltic Academy of Osseointegration Conference “Modern Dental Implantation 2018”; Kaunas, Lithuania
- Influence of chronic periimplantitis on the development of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral mucosa (JMTK 2016).
- Factors leading to fear and / or anxiety of tooth extraction in adult dental patients. Systematic review (2nd place in JMTK 2016 section and plenary session);
- Influence of maxillary sinus anatomy on open sinus floor lift surgery (JMTK 2016);
- Platelet-Rich Fibrin: Myths and Facts (Dental Circle and Heraeus Kulzer Workshop 2015);
- “Distribution of stresses in bone using different restorative materials on dental implants” (Intellect Alley 2015, JMTK 2015, IHSC 2015);
- “Effect of Selective on the In Vitro Release of Transforming Growth Factor β1 from Platelet-Rich Fibrin” (“Intellect Alley 2015”, 1st Conference of the Lithuanian Orthopedic Society of Dentists 2015);
- “Dimensional tissue stability around dental implants after soft tissue augmentation: a systematic review” (JMTK 2015, IHSC 2015, 3rd place in the section);
- “Effect of local anesthetics on the in vitro release of growth factors from platelet-rich fibrin” (JMTK 2015, IHSC 2015);
- “Tissue bonding methods, means and materials” (Facial – Jaw Surgery Club Conference “Wounds and their treatment”);
- “Influence of different solvents and instrumentation on the removal of sealant from the root canal” (“Intellect Alley 2014”, “OOSK Conference 2014”);
- Influence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease on Oral Tissues (JMTK 2014);
- “Comparison of the efficiency of gutta-percha removal from root canals using different solvents” (JMTK 2014, 3rd place in the section);
- “Influence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease on Oral Tissues and Titanium Implants” (Young Scientists and Researchers Conference (JMTK) 2013, International Health Science Conference (IHSC) 2013);
Mokslinės publikacijos leidiniuose su citavimo rodikliu:
- Poskevicius L, Sidlauskas A, Galindo-Moreno P, Juodzbalys G. Dimensional soft tissue changes following soft tissue grafting in conjunction with implant placement or around present dental implants: a systematic review. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 2017 Jan; 28(1):1–8. doi: 10.1111/clr.12606.
- Astramskaite I, Poskevicius L, Juodzbalys G. Factors determining tooth extraction anxiety and fear in adult dental patients: a systematic review. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2016.06.019
- Pranskunas M, Poskevicius L, Juodzbalys G, Kubilius R, Jimbo R. Influence of Peri-Implant Soft Tissue Condition and Plaque Accumulation on Peri-Implantitis: a Systematic Review, J Oral Maxillofac Res 2016;7(3):e
- Stacchi C, Andolsek F, Astramskaite I, Berton F, Di Lenarda R, Fernandes MH, Frassetto A, Gomes PS, Guobis Z, Jimbo R, Juodzbalys G, Khoury A, Kubilius R, Kuoppala R, Lombardi T, Maminskas J, Pacauskiene I, Perinetti G, Poskevicius L, Pranskunas M, Puisys A, Raustia A., The 1st Baltic Osseointegration Academy and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Consensus Conference 2016. Summary and Consensus Statements: Group I – Peri-Implantitis Aetiology, Risk Factors and Pathogenesis, J Oral Maxillofac Res 2016;7(3):e7
- Gelazius R, Poskevicius L, Sakavicius D, Grimuta V, Juodzbalys G. Dental Implant Placement in Patients on Bisphosphonate Therapy: a Systematic Review, Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research, 2018; 9(3):1-12
- Gomes PS, Daugela P, Poskevicius L, Mariano L, Fernandes MH. Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Socket Healing in the Absence and Presence of Graft Materials and Autologous Platelet Concentrates: a Focused Review. J Oral Maxillofac Res, 2019;10(3):e2
- Juodzbalys G, Daugela P, Duruel O, Fernandes MH, Gomes PS, Goyushov S, Mariano L, Poskevicius L, Stumbras A, Tözüm TF. The 2nd Baltic Osseointegration Academy and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Consensus Conference 2019. Summary and Consensus Statements: Group I – Biological Aspects of Tooth Extraction, Socket Healing and Indications for Socket Preservation. J Oral Maxillofac Res, 2019;10(3):e4
- Functional validity of dental implant design. Dentistry BDMJ, 2015 (2): 16-20
- Poškevičius L, Slabšinskienė E. Short tongue: indications and methods of treatment. Dentistry BDMJ, 2015 (2): 8-1
- School of Medical Sciences 2012;
- “Innovations and current events in dental practice” 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016;
- Evidence-Based Medicine 2014;
- “Perfection in dentistry. World leaders ‘aims and archievements’;
- “Today vs. the future. Modern and future technologies ”;
- BOA Spring Conference 2014, Discussion Club;
- Innovations in Dental Implantation 2014;
- GIDE Nobel Biocare online courses;
- Fifth International BOA Congress;
- Orthopedic Dentistry: Modern Technologies and Classics;
- “How to write a world class scientific paper”;
- “EFP approach and adhesive dentistry diagnosis and treatment plan for occlusive simple and complex rehabilitations”;
- “Progress in Dentistry – Towards Perfection”;
- “Prevention and Rehabilitation of Oral Diseases”;
- “Immediate implantation and peri – stability of implant tissues 2015”;
- Quintessence of periodontology and implantology;
- “Management of complications of dental implantation and related procedures”;
- “Bone & tissue days 2016 Vilnius”;
- The 4th MegaGen European Scientific Meeting in London;
- “26th Scientific Meeting of the European Association for Osseointegration in Madrid”;
- “3rd annual Klocker conference – meeting friends” Madrid;
- “Congreso SECIB Valencia 2017”
- “Modern Clinical Dilemmas in Implant Dentistry. National UK & Ireland ITI Congress, London, 2018
- EuroPerio 9 Amsterdam 2018
- BOA Conference “Modern Dental Implantation 2018”; Kaunas
- “Osteology Barcelona 2019”, Barcelona
- “BOA and LSMU International Dental Implantation Congress 2019”, Kaunas
- “Seminar“ Continuing Professional Development for Osseodensification Seminar with MegaGen Implant and Densah bur ”2021-06-19 hosted by MINEC Megagen International Network of Education and Clinical Research
- Seminar “Virtual Live Surgery Day” organized by Osteology-European Federation of Periodontology 2021-06-17
- International Conference “ICDI 2021: International Conference on Dental Implants” organized by Lithuanian University of Health Sciences on June 30, 2021
- “Prosthetics with full removable prostheses using mini implants” (Dr. G. Skirbutis), 8 hours;
- “Learn to Implant” (Dr. T.Koržinskas), 4 hours;
- Basics of Dental Implantation (A. Puišys), 4 hours.;
- Basics of Dental Implant Prosthetics (E. Vindašiūtė), 8 hours;
- Soft Tissue Surgery for Dental Implantation and Patient Preparation for Dental Implantation (S. Bechara), 4 hours;
- “Immediate implant placement” (Dr. Stavros Pelekanos), “Bone & tissue days 2016 Vilnius”, 4 hours;
- “Osteoplasty (Augmentation) for Dental Implantation and Patient Preparation for Dental Implantation” (S. Bechara) 4 hours
- “Dental implants in the aesthetic zone – how to achieve the most ideal result?” (Dr. A. Puišys), 8 hours